
I have over 30 years’ experience in advertising, marketing and consulting in both Canada and the USA. I’m currently pursuing a number of marketing, writing and consulting projects:

  • At ZoomerMedia, I’m responsible for running the annual ideacity conference
  • I head up marketing communications for Affirm Financial Services
  • I continue to study, write and blog about the greatest social revolution of all time – radical life extension and the amazing reinvention and re-branding of the entire concept of aging

I’ve written two books — The New Old (2008, ECW books), which  detailed how the Baby Boomers completely overturned all traditional concepts of aging, and Beyond Age Rage (2013, Bastian Books), which examined the so-called ‘war of the generations’ and explained how boomers and seniors were already solving it.

My previous background was in advertising: I was a partner in Saffer Cravit & Freedman Advertising, which I helped take from start-up to over $150 million in annual billings. The agency had offices in Toronto and Chicago, and was recognized as a leading retail specialist agency in North America.  After selling my interest in the business, I worked as an independent consultant and also a consultant to other advertising agencies in Canada and the USA, before joining ZoomerMedia in November, 2005.

Over the years, I have participated at the most senior levels in the creation and placement of over $5 billion worth of media advertising.  My functional experience includes strategic planning, creative development, media advertising, merchandising, sales promotion, vendor co-op advertising and co-branding, sales management, and online marketing. My industry experience includes mass merchandising, specialty retailing, health care, technology, automotive, travel and hospitality, financial services, real estate, consumer products, and public policy.

Book me as a speaker

I’ve been a frequent speaker at corporate and industry events, guest on numerous radio and TV shows, and contributor to professional journals. The reinvention of aging is a hot topic, with a wide range of angles and implications for business, government, think tanks, and associations. I can customize a presentation to your group, that will inform and provoke. To get things rolling, just send me an email.