Oh, the poor dears — students are breaking down because school assignments are making it too hard to pursue social justice “responsibilities”

How dare the universities demand that tests be passed and essays handed in on time? It crowds out more important work – like demonstrating against the university itself, for all its sins of racism, sexism, ableism…you know the list.

“There are people breaking down, dropping out of classes and failing classes because of the activism work they are taking on,” says one student at Brown, quoted in this remarkable but all-too-easy-to-believe article.

The thing is – someday, they will graduate. Would you hire this kid?

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. Vice President, Zoomer Media Ltd. . Author of "The New Old" . 30 years experience in marketing communications, advertising, media . Speaker, writer, commentator on the revolution in aging and how to market to Boomers and seniors

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